Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Purpose by Design

You have dedicated relentless prayers for many years. You’ve been planning, studying, financing, and family sacrificing, to someday say, “today is my day.” 

I am getting excited already for all  of the wonderful testimonies that we will hear  from you and many others in 2014.  I am not called to pump you up, but I have been assigned to you to motivate and display why you need to get up and complete your earthly assignment! This world is has been built and moves on the progress of your contribution and resources that the creator has blessed you to birth in the earth. It has been said that so many visions and dreams lying in grave yard that had much potential; you will not be one more added to the over populated lost vision and dreams.  Your patience has been an essential role in the process of fulfilling your purpose by design. You may feel that your life should have excelled beyond your current status or situation. This does not imply that you are done.  I truly believe that 2014 will produce amazing supernatural stories from people that kept the faith and burning desire to push past the pain, and follow their dreams.

Count it not strangeyou have been kept in a special isolation place for the right time and season to be released and exposed to the world.  This place of isolation was to settle you in precise and accurate focus and concentration. Your majestic vision and mission will transcend with dominion to catapult further than your mind could ever image or think.  Therefore, your intense concentrations to maintain your sanity as you enter into war, the battlefield of your mind. Your perseverance through the difficult times of frustration and defeat were authenticating your purpose by design.  The revelation of knowing your purpose has kept your positive attitude fueled to your anticipation long overdue masterpiece to the world impact.   So, your isolation period allowed you to concentrate and focus on the revelation with a clear view of the manifestation. You will now be released to promote, preach, and prosper. You have passed the test and endured the saturation process, for preparation for long term success.

Believing in yourself is one of the most powerful resources that you posses for utilization at your own discretion.  This is your time to perform, get ready to hear your name called to the stage.  You have been in transition for the moment. The lights, sound and supporting cast are in position and the audience is ready for you soar. People all over the world have been waiting for that moment when you make that grand announcement…”I am stepping out of my comfort zone and presenting to the world me and my business adventure!”  You walk out on the stage and look intensely at your audience and say…I have been waiting a long time for this moment, chance, and opportunity. I am NOT turning back now. I have come too far and I’ve been through numerous adversities, test and trials and I can say finally… “Today is my day!”

I am John Wayne Owens and I am releasing from you past and you will embrace your future!

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