Monday, December 2, 2013

One More Try...

On your mark get set GO! Now focus...look out for your haters, here comes fear, brace yourself for doubt, and stay in your lane, you got a good chance to WIN! 

John Wayne Owens

Several years ago, I made it my business to retransform my stinking thinking. After having to embrace a divorce, and financial challenges, because of a job lost, I had discontinued the habits of creating excuses. I had to stop hating on the believers and achievers that displayed the five D’s. There were five D's that my football coach embedded in our minds every day; disciplined, dedication, drive, determination, and delivery. These were the five essential keys that I had to reincorporate toward transformation and stability in pursuit of my recovery of capturing the original blue prints of the real me.

As we near the New Year, let us not forget to plan for 2014. I have made it my business to totally reinvent myself back to the original blueprint that God intended for me to be. Sometimes a crisis may happen in your life that will trigger or summons you to realize that it’s time…time to make a change that will no longer be your personal mission but His will for your life. As I go through this process, I want you to travel with me on my journey as I totally reinvent myself. I want you to experience a metamorphosis of my life's transparency from then to now! There is a proverb that connects us from what we see to what we believe; “As a man thinks so is he“ I believe that ReLease and LIVE will be a national talk show, which is one of the many objectives that will happen to solidify the mission and vision! Now you may wonder why I would speak this command over my life, because that’s what I have visualized and believe in my heart. I am committed to walk through the pathway of faith to receive it ALL!

Would you believe that there is a better you inside of you? What do you do when you know it’s time to revert? Have you concluded in your mind that there is something in your life that has been neglected and you feel the necessity to reexamine your life? How do you deal with the impact of life's failures from all your attempts to triumph over what “they say and what you believe” about you? I recall the day I qualified for the Olympic Trials. It was the last location in Jacksonville, FL and the last day for me to be awarded an all expense paid trip to compete in New Orleans, with the best US track and field athletes. The time I needed to qualify was 13.60 and I believed that I could compete with the best. So, in my first race, I ran 13.66 and I had one more chance to meet the qualifying standards. This was a moment of now or never…had I begun to see myself in New Orleans with the best! The gun sounded, I blasted out the blocks and attacked every hurdle with power and force. I never knew this was inside of me! I crossed the finish line with a loud shout because I knew something special just happened. As I waited with great anticipation to hear my results, the announcer called my name as an Olympic A standard qualifier; I fell to my knees and said, “Thank God I did it.”

Can you do it? Make your vision a reality; if you can see it you will achieve it!

I am John Wayne Owens and I am releasing from you past and you will embrace your future!

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