Friday, November 29, 2013

Life's Broken Pieces

A wish, dream, hope and a prayer we all have had after devastation, disappointments, and denial. Don't fret you are still on schedule to succeed!

Author by: John Wayne Owens

Nobody likes road blocks.  They are the most frustrating and annoying thing in the world.  Have you ever been driving down the highway and you started to see signs that indicate there may be some type of trouble ahead or major detour?  That’s how life is as well.  Sometimes we can see all the warning signs with clear understanding that it’s time to proceed, slow down or stop to make a decision.  Maybe this is where you are today, and you are ready to move forward but very cautiously, in order to make changes in your life.  As we travel through life’s journey we may miss signals that may indicate caution or just to slow down or stop.  Some life’s signals indicate that you are going the right way but you need to re-route your direction towards your prepared destination.

For many years, I was living from day to day with no mission; so I retreated back to the place in my heart where I felt most empowered.  When I was sixteen, I very involved within my church.  My brother was the youth director at the church and asked me to be a part of the youth ministry newspaper.  This was really a big deal, due to the fact that our church had a very large congregation and everyone would read it. So, I wrote my first article entitled, “Let’s Stop Playing Church” and it was well received by all ages.  My writing ministry was birthed.  This was the place in m life where I knew that I had arrived at my purpose so I thought; which was to inspire people, exposure, explore and expand, to their current life situation.  After writing my first article, I began writing more articles for the youth newspaper. I became inspired to graduate and write ministerial tracts that would focus on the life application.

While I was building momentum and confidence, I was sorely distracted by my so called friends.  The guys I called friends began to tease and label me as the Christian tract writer and for that reason, I stopped writing.  I had not written an article for the monthly newsletter since then.  People were so blessed and were encouraged by my writings, but I had this internal deflated ambition to write never again. I don't care how hard you try to run from what you know you have been purpose to do; it will always follow you like a shadow that wont go away. So, I  had made a decision to retreat back to that place of renewed beginnings and pick up the broken pieces and began to move forward.  This is the reason why I am writing again, because I want you to know that, once you find the place where you know are suppose to be stay there be consist and the rest will fall in place and God will enter in and takes over from that very point!

 “A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.”  (Proverbs 18:16).

It’s time for you to pick up your broken pieces and renew your mind and get back in the game! This is the season were there will be an open door for any who desires to strive and have been striving to be at the top where the Winner never stop winning. Yes, they have reserved a spot for you now get up and go get it!

I am John Wayne Owens and I am releasing from you past and you will embrace your future!

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