Friday, November 22, 2013

Getting HELP may HURT

"When we get sick and tired of being sick and tired, is the best day in the world; and our inner healing begins and life embarks upon the renewing process of restoration."

John Wayne Owens   

Author by John Wayne Owens

The process of releasing to be empowered will take humbling, humility and commitment to venture into unchartered areas in life; that will ultimately expose individuals to the best or the worst of them.  “Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honor is humility” Proverbs 18:12 (NKJV).  That’s when the healing will begin in the heart, mind and soul.  When you are ready to stand up and deal with the facts regarding your life…healing will begin.  The things that have plagued you for years will never go away, until you confront the issues.  How many walls have you constructed in your mind? What has made your heart stop the progress of your life?  I can relate and recall when I had to sit with my spiritual advisor to receive wise counsel.  It was as if he had read my mail, e-mails and text messages; and by the way I was highly offended and discontent by the truth that was revealed about me.  I was hurt and relieved simultaneously, to know that the inner most part was in the beginning stages of the healing process.  It is not uncommon for you to feel inferior but,  it is common to rest in denial.  We have to renew our minds and hearts, to receive new wisdom and knowledge from our leaders and our spiritual advisors.  “There is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors, there is safety”  Proverbs 11:14 (NKJV)

In the process of writing this blog, I recall and have to admit when I was going through some very difficult times as it relates to mid-life crisis…by the way Christians experience mid-life crisis as well.  I was challenged with my faith, family, financial, and my future concerns.  My faith in God was challenged during serious obstacles in my life.  Some of you really holy people wouldn’t understand but, I know some of you have been there and you are feeling me.  One day it happened…this inner voice with authority began to grow and confront me with these questions:  

  • What have you done in this life that has any value? 
  • What have you achieved; that lines up with your purpose and mission for your life? 
  • Where are your plans for rest of your life? 

This was indeed a moment where I had to stop and place everything on hold and reflect to think.  It was important that I recognize and face the facts that God knows all and sees all things.  In the midst of my life …mid-life crisis, God’s grace and mercy intervene and leads us beyond our knowledge of understanding…but towards destiny and purpose. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;” Proverbs 3:5.

Perplexed in my emotions knowing that the order was set in motion and the only way to accelerate through this dismole time in my life, I had reassess me  and cast all my past on Him.

You can start today and change your tomorrow...tomorrows.  

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