Wednesday, November 27, 2013

ABC’s of Life

The ABC’s of Life is simple, here's an effective and applicable way of remembering:

What do you want to ACHIEVE?
What do you BELIEVE you can achieve?
Do you believe you will ever CONCEIVE, what you believe you want to achieve?

Author by John Wayne Owens

What’s your reason for living? Do you really know your mission? Have things in life cause you to miss what we call your purpose? How do you move forward to find out why you were created? Are these the golden questions you often ask yourself? Disappointments always seem to find your address, just when you think you have arrived to our desired destiny. People and things begin to block and distract you from what you believe to be. That is when you began to wonder and worry about how to proceed in life; without having  a plan to win.

Life is a daily faith walk; you want to believe that life can be so awesome and great. Often, watching Hollywood, we admire how the rich and famous are living large and in charge. That when your imagination starts to wonder off, as if you are asking the question why not me? Then, life brings you back into the reality and asks the question; what's my purpose for living and why have I not fulfilled my purpose and dreams?  Once you know to direct your energy and focus towards obtaining your purpose and goals; achieving, believing and conceiving will escort you forward into God’s divine purpose for your life.  Press towards revisiting and creating new opportunities, and address life from a spiritual and practical life application stand point.  Also, address how you will identify situations in your life that has caused you to react in ways that may not justify our true, heartfelt emotions and character. You begin to talk about how to create proactive ways to face difficult times, in a controlled and uncontrolled situation.  One common fact about life is that; in every situation you have the right to choose, what attitude you feel would be best suitable for the current situation. 

Well, I have some good news for you today; I want to declare and decreed that what God intends for you to be is what YOU WILL BE!  It is NOW time to take charge of YOUR life; and the spirit of hesitation has stayed long enough and is NOW broken in the name of Jesus! Your faith is now being to be RESTORED, to move in the direction you have been called for purpose. Your vision is not dead it just been waiting to be RELEASED. The battle is OVER in your mind. Now pick up your bed (dream/vision/mission) and STOP complaining. You have so much more life to live. There are lives that you are supposed to touch and reach, they are waiting and depending on you.
This blog is to motivate you and drive in the direction of your goals to assist you in how to make clear and decisive decisions. Within every decision you make is associated with an involvement of effecting people and things.  

Let’s walk a couple miles together to see what we can discover about you and enter into a place of
repositioning what we believe God has empowered you to be.

I am John Wayne Owens and I am releasing you from your Past and you will embrace your Future!

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