Friday, November 29, 2013

Life's Broken Pieces

A wish, dream, hope and a prayer we all have had after devastation, disappointments, and denial. Don't fret you are still on schedule to succeed!

Author by: John Wayne Owens

Nobody likes road blocks.  They are the most frustrating and annoying thing in the world.  Have you ever been driving down the highway and you started to see signs that indicate there may be some type of trouble ahead or major detour?  That’s how life is as well.  Sometimes we can see all the warning signs with clear understanding that it’s time to proceed, slow down or stop to make a decision.  Maybe this is where you are today, and you are ready to move forward but very cautiously, in order to make changes in your life.  As we travel through life’s journey we may miss signals that may indicate caution or just to slow down or stop.  Some life’s signals indicate that you are going the right way but you need to re-route your direction towards your prepared destination.

For many years, I was living from day to day with no mission; so I retreated back to the place in my heart where I felt most empowered.  When I was sixteen, I very involved within my church.  My brother was the youth director at the church and asked me to be a part of the youth ministry newspaper.  This was really a big deal, due to the fact that our church had a very large congregation and everyone would read it. So, I wrote my first article entitled, “Let’s Stop Playing Church” and it was well received by all ages.  My writing ministry was birthed.  This was the place in m life where I knew that I had arrived at my purpose so I thought; which was to inspire people, exposure, explore and expand, to their current life situation.  After writing my first article, I began writing more articles for the youth newspaper. I became inspired to graduate and write ministerial tracts that would focus on the life application.

While I was building momentum and confidence, I was sorely distracted by my so called friends.  The guys I called friends began to tease and label me as the Christian tract writer and for that reason, I stopped writing.  I had not written an article for the monthly newsletter since then.  People were so blessed and were encouraged by my writings, but I had this internal deflated ambition to write never again. I don't care how hard you try to run from what you know you have been purpose to do; it will always follow you like a shadow that wont go away. So, I  had made a decision to retreat back to that place of renewed beginnings and pick up the broken pieces and began to move forward.  This is the reason why I am writing again, because I want you to know that, once you find the place where you know are suppose to be stay there be consist and the rest will fall in place and God will enter in and takes over from that very point!

 “A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.”  (Proverbs 18:16).

It’s time for you to pick up your broken pieces and renew your mind and get back in the game! This is the season were there will be an open door for any who desires to strive and have been striving to be at the top where the Winner never stop winning. Yes, they have reserved a spot for you now get up and go get it!

I am John Wayne Owens and I am releasing from you past and you will embrace your future!

Please post your comments and be a member today. Thanks

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

ABC’s of Life

The ABC’s of Life is simple, here's an effective and applicable way of remembering:

What do you want to ACHIEVE?
What do you BELIEVE you can achieve?
Do you believe you will ever CONCEIVE, what you believe you want to achieve?

Author by John Wayne Owens

What’s your reason for living? Do you really know your mission? Have things in life cause you to miss what we call your purpose? How do you move forward to find out why you were created? Are these the golden questions you often ask yourself? Disappointments always seem to find your address, just when you think you have arrived to our desired destiny. People and things begin to block and distract you from what you believe to be. That is when you began to wonder and worry about how to proceed in life; without having  a plan to win.

Life is a daily faith walk; you want to believe that life can be so awesome and great. Often, watching Hollywood, we admire how the rich and famous are living large and in charge. That when your imagination starts to wonder off, as if you are asking the question why not me? Then, life brings you back into the reality and asks the question; what's my purpose for living and why have I not fulfilled my purpose and dreams?  Once you know to direct your energy and focus towards obtaining your purpose and goals; achieving, believing and conceiving will escort you forward into God’s divine purpose for your life.  Press towards revisiting and creating new opportunities, and address life from a spiritual and practical life application stand point.  Also, address how you will identify situations in your life that has caused you to react in ways that may not justify our true, heartfelt emotions and character. You begin to talk about how to create proactive ways to face difficult times, in a controlled and uncontrolled situation.  One common fact about life is that; in every situation you have the right to choose, what attitude you feel would be best suitable for the current situation. 

Well, I have some good news for you today; I want to declare and decreed that what God intends for you to be is what YOU WILL BE!  It is NOW time to take charge of YOUR life; and the spirit of hesitation has stayed long enough and is NOW broken in the name of Jesus! Your faith is now being to be RESTORED, to move in the direction you have been called for purpose. Your vision is not dead it just been waiting to be RELEASED. The battle is OVER in your mind. Now pick up your bed (dream/vision/mission) and STOP complaining. You have so much more life to live. There are lives that you are supposed to touch and reach, they are waiting and depending on you.
This blog is to motivate you and drive in the direction of your goals to assist you in how to make clear and decisive decisions. Within every decision you make is associated with an involvement of effecting people and things.  

Let’s walk a couple miles together to see what we can discover about you and enter into a place of
repositioning what we believe God has empowered you to be.

I am John Wayne Owens and I am releasing you from your Past and you will embrace your Future!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Unlock your future

Now is the time to start and face the truth, that without God we won't make it..."

Have you ever been there, when you knew that if God didn't step in you just might lose it? Well, I will confess that I have been there and as Fred Hammond has so plainly stated "it just don't feel good."  Some writers write as if they have not experienced what they are writing about and I will say transparency is how I connect  and express to my reader. The facts of life is like this, we all have to continue to go through tough times and things that will not "feel good".  Everyday that I wake up I am blessed  but, to look at my left hand third finger reminds me that I am divorced and life is still moving forward with or without me. So, the fact of the matter is that, we all have to find out what is the real meaning of life within ourselves.  I have to press pass my nation and deal with the reality, that's what’s on the table of life discussion now. Everything else feels like it should matter but, the here and now is what we really have to contend with and persevere through. All the what ifs’ that we factor in our daily life styles are designed to blind us, from all future possibilities hope and dreams.
            What purpose, dream, or invention have you not unlock, that is deep in your heart, stirs up a passion and a desire that just won’t go away? What is it about you that is unique, and what purpose or cause do you want to see manifest for God glory? We all have this great innate and awesome ability to achieve, that which drives us to express tears of joy and laughter of happiness.  How can you continue to keep your hands to the plow will be the determining factor? Consistency and stability will be your keys that will support your mission and goal. I have been in leadership and noticed that we are able to overcome what we desire to conquer and not fear. The process of travailing through life situations and circumstances will move you forward new possibilities and greater expectation.

            Oftentimes, people pretend as if they are on top of the world, giving the perception as life is just peaceful and bliss. In the real world we all have issues and concerns; we have this tendency to cover that which is causing discomfort and silent pain. The days of going through the motions will only wear your patience weary and greater pain will cause new stress that will drive you to find many ways to give up and quit.  Your purpose and value is unique and special, you are the only one on earth that can produce and manifest your assignment given to you.  Have you asked yourself why are holding on to what not holding on to you?  What are you missing that you feel you have to possess, that is not missing you?  We all have to come to grip to the reality of the things that we chase after that's not chasing after us.  Life will not wait for you to catch up and figure out who you are and what's your purpose.  You have to start now and get with the program called life.  Things happen not by chance or accident, but by fate and possibilities. You are not alone. 

I am John Wayne Owens and I am motivating from your past and into our future.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Getting HELP may HURT

"When we get sick and tired of being sick and tired, is the best day in the world; and our inner healing begins and life embarks upon the renewing process of restoration."

John Wayne Owens   

Author by John Wayne Owens

The process of releasing to be empowered will take humbling, humility and commitment to venture into unchartered areas in life; that will ultimately expose individuals to the best or the worst of them.  “Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honor is humility” Proverbs 18:12 (NKJV).  That’s when the healing will begin in the heart, mind and soul.  When you are ready to stand up and deal with the facts regarding your life…healing will begin.  The things that have plagued you for years will never go away, until you confront the issues.  How many walls have you constructed in your mind? What has made your heart stop the progress of your life?  I can relate and recall when I had to sit with my spiritual advisor to receive wise counsel.  It was as if he had read my mail, e-mails and text messages; and by the way I was highly offended and discontent by the truth that was revealed about me.  I was hurt and relieved simultaneously, to know that the inner most part was in the beginning stages of the healing process.  It is not uncommon for you to feel inferior but,  it is common to rest in denial.  We have to renew our minds and hearts, to receive new wisdom and knowledge from our leaders and our spiritual advisors.  “There is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors, there is safety”  Proverbs 11:14 (NKJV)

In the process of writing this blog, I recall and have to admit when I was going through some very difficult times as it relates to mid-life crisis…by the way Christians experience mid-life crisis as well.  I was challenged with my faith, family, financial, and my future concerns.  My faith in God was challenged during serious obstacles in my life.  Some of you really holy people wouldn’t understand but, I know some of you have been there and you are feeling me.  One day it happened…this inner voice with authority began to grow and confront me with these questions:  

  • What have you done in this life that has any value? 
  • What have you achieved; that lines up with your purpose and mission for your life? 
  • Where are your plans for rest of your life? 

This was indeed a moment where I had to stop and place everything on hold and reflect to think.  It was important that I recognize and face the facts that God knows all and sees all things.  In the midst of my life …mid-life crisis, God’s grace and mercy intervene and leads us beyond our knowledge of understanding…but towards destiny and purpose. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;” Proverbs 3:5.

Perplexed in my emotions knowing that the order was set in motion and the only way to accelerate through this dismole time in my life, I had reassess me  and cast all my past on Him.

You can start today and change your tomorrow...tomorrows.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Peeking way too deep into your past

"Which way are you going? This is the question that most people can not answer; because most people don't have a clue and just do as they are told. Living life in the comfortable place without knowing that there's an outlet and breakthrough on the horizon in your life; is like living in the dark with a candle in your hand."
John Wayne Owens
"The Motivator" 

"Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead;"  Philippians 3:13 

The search for answers of “what in the world is going on in your life" and why does it feel like you are going circles?" You have been asking, looking, and screaming for help but, you keep on peeking into the past of what was...if you peek in your past too much, it will only cause you to hold on to what is already DONE!

Life is moving forward and the times are changing and you feel like your life is stuck in a rut, and you are trapped in a place of  "how things use to be" and not being able to renew your mind and embrace life in the here and now.  You are working hard to impress people into thinking that you have value and purpose on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn broadcasting information that has no validity or point.  Are your dreams locked up in the past; are you right now living in the past; and to make matters worse is your future in the past; is it because change is hard and peeking into your past is much easier and maybe if you take the past and insert a little twist on it and think it's new will change you current situation…not! 

You have everything you need right now to empower yourself; God has blessed you with so many gifts, skills, and talents that are waiting to be exposed to the world. You may not be where you want to be position in life but, you have everything you need to get started and if you will take the first step and LET IT GO of how things were.  You are no longer the same person by one means you once were in the past. It is so imperative that you stop peeking into your past which is a frozen state of mind?  Can you forget? Will you forget? Do want to forget? Until you have made that decision, you will never be able to embrace nor empower yourself to excel new levels of learning and achieving the best of you.  Some people and things or not meant for soar with you, I know you have feelings but, don't let your feelings get in your way.    

When I ran track I was told to NEVER look back, stay focus and in your lane. I was really curious what that meant; so in high school decided to see what was behind me while competing in a race, I felt good because was leading the race.  When I made that one dreadful decision to look behind me, that when the runner next to me came fast pass me.  What I didn't know and learned is that, when you look back you actually slow down and your speed, power decrease and most of all you lose site on the finish line.  I just wanted to peek into what was behind me and that one peek cost me the win.

Peeking too much into your past can really effect and hinder your forward process toward building a solid future. Stay focus and press and go for the gold!!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Moonwalk Forward

"Make your move now!"

"Life is not a destiny but, a journey that leads us up the hills and down through the valleys; good days and bad days. The only option we have is to keep moving forward. The later is promised to be greater."
                                                                  John Wayne Owens

What is in front of you that will drive and push you to be successful and leave legendary achievements in the world?

As you progress through your daily routine, you will always incur some type of opposition or challenge that will require you to make choices and life changing decisions.  Your goals, dreams and visions are depending on you, to take the leap of faith and make your move. As you have ponder and prayed for the best optimal results for greatness, you have to speak a word of life that will propel you towards your desired objective. Fight for your life without struggling with your past and moonwalk forward into your future.

We all have had set backs that are really created for setups; a set back will preview like a page from your past to hold your mind in that place where you said, "you will never go again" and you then determine in your mind not to enter into your set up and moonwalk into your future.  The word says "walk by faith and lean not to your understanding." The challenge becomes not the opportunity that is presented before you but, your past mental state of mind. This is called a stronghold; what is a stronghold...a noun "any person, place or thing/situation that HOLDS your mind to yield or stop to revert back into your past and impedes your life progress. What's your stronghold...?

Moon walking forward is just the opposite of moon walking backwards. The motion and movement of the great Micheal Jackson effortless heart, passion and drive to take the opportunity to create a new dance move that we now called the "moonwalk" was so smooth that it paused us all to give it a try. This should give you the motivation to find that 'thing" that drives you to create, vision, and dream again!

Release that stronghold from your past and moonwalk forward into your destiny as you travel through your life journey .

Jwayne's Lane


Friday, November 15, 2013

Now or Never

Now or Never but Never too Late!

This is where you have to come to the place in you life were you have to say to you; I got to make a change now or I just might die with a purpose that never will be birth or revealed.  

We take up so much time doing things for people, work, and church building other people big ideals and vision and dreams.  Now or Never is the attitude that you have to take that will make you body can change you but you.  I have been looking at myself over the last few months and I realized that I have made some changes but, I am really the same!  I have had the same message for the last past 10 years and I have never maximized the word nor the gift that God gave me to inspire people, to release and live and the reason why is because I had not released and lived myself; WOW what a bright light that came on in my mind, body and soul. I was my own deterrent, distraction, and frustration of my fate; no one to point the at finger but me. 

You can take NOW and use it on purpose and make something happen with your life that you can watch grow and be! Yes you can achieve if you can just believe in YOU, the hardest person to believe in is you, everybody else vision you embrace and sacrifice time, treasure and talent BUT YOU.  How long will you wait; how long will keeping on crying at night; how long will play the blame game....

My friend the life game still has some time left on the clock for you; what are you going to do...well how about this; go dig out that playbook called visions and dreams that has plays that have been designed just for you. You are the owner and coach of your team, YOU call all the plays you make all the decisions and find the best way to WIN!  

What quarter of life are you in; only you that, but I can tell one thing the LIFE clock is still ticking and its Now or Never but Not to Late!!!

"Jwayne's Lane"