Saturday, April 12, 2014

Thoughts of starting over

   'Sometimes we just have to Ctrl-Atl-Delete"

by: John Wayne Owens
What does it mean to renew your life?  How can you really say "my life is renewed"? When I was pastoring my mission was to minister to the real issues of life that most churches did not want to address. I did not want people to come to church and get an emotional happy one day charge, when they really desired and needed a life time fix. Changing and repentance is what renewing is all about; why do we always run from our past.  I finally realized that my past has helped me to embrace the here and now. Which caused me to pause and say thanks for His grace and mercy!

The thoughts of starting over seem so grudging and weary, all the mental work that it requires to really move forward and press through and release myself from me. Just thinking about it makes tired. I want you to know that the one way to get through is to know what is in you is for you.  Starting with internal healing is when you make the decision and move towards the vision and purpose for your life and forgive yourself and anyone else that has offended you and all your haters. Make a conscious effort to redirect your life towards the place and purpose you truly believe within your heart, soul and spirit. Being to pray and move with caution in the will of God for your life.  Do not let people stop you from what is to be and miss your mission and purpose. Have your desires tattooed to your heart and trust God he will keep His promise

This is the only chance that you will have in this life to perform that which He has placed you.  So, have you been procrastinating and pondering your next moves in your life? 

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