Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Get in the Game...Life

by: John Wayne Owens

Oftentimes, people pretend as if they are on top of the world, giving the perception as if life is just peaceful and bliss. In the real world we all have issues and concerns; we have this tendency to cover up that which is causing discomfort and silent pain. The days of going through the motions will only wear your patience weary and greater pain will cause new stress that will drive you to find more ways to give up and quit.  You are not alone, I understand and I too know that moving forward is a struggle and a fight; getting pass hidden emotions and current life daily challenges are for real and not to think what is the use.  The option of quitting is not an option, so we must renew our minds and think on the things that will progressively move us from all your fears and worries.   

You are special and the only one on earth that can produce and manifest your assignment given to you.  You don't have time to waste holding on to what's not holding on to you?  What do you think you are missing that you feel you have to possess, that is not missing you?  We all have to come to grips to the reality of the things that we chase after that's not chasing after us.  Life will not wait for you to catch up and figure out who you are and what's your life purpose.  You have to start now and get with the program called life.  Things happen not by chance or accident, but by faith and fate believing that all things are possible.

Wisdom Keys:
Fight through the spirit of denial…and deal with facts about you.
Forgive yourself before you forgive others first. 
Revisit your secret closet for the last time and “LET IT GO!!!”
Take control of your responsibilities…you are in charge of you.
Find one confidant you can trust for accountability only.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Just change your mind

by: John Wayne Owens

Where is your focus? Does your mind wonder off into the abyss and ask these questions; why, where and when as it relates to the future? Many people have also settled here to find reasons to complain and not apply healthier mature decision. Your mind is the conduit that receives all information both spiritual and practical. The two pipelines of your mind funnel thoughts and decision expressing your actions both desired and disappointed. 

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:” Proverbs 23:7 (KJV)

It’s all up to you now…are ready to change your way of thinking? Your mind has all the capabilities to manifest beyond supernatural condition. Your journey begins with you yielding and trusting in God. The proof of your existence is in you and world is knolling to receive your divine purpose.  The mind that God has anointed and appointed you has been certified and classified to exceed…image, above whatever you can believe by faith.  You are here; whether you want to be or not doesn’t really matter. The grace of God is allowing you this opportunity to renew your mind and transform your life.  

Reinforcement Keys
Open your mind to the word of God: Romans 12:1-2 - II Corinthians 5:17.
Create a daily appointment with God; for prayer and meditation.
Pray with the mind to hear clear direction and trust God.
Fasting is your personal time of intimacy and discipline to hear from God.
All distractions must be blocked and/or out of your pathway toward destiny. 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Renew your mind

By: John Wayne Owens

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God
Romans 12:2 (KJV)

The common place of life is where most people park and never advance nor develop into the person that God intended them to be. Where have you parked your life? Are you maximizing your full potential, dreams and desires? Have you fixed your mind to believe that you cannot move forward past your deficiencies? When the life pause button is pressed; you will collapse into the rut of dejection and despondency.  These thoughts of life uncertainty will arrive to force you adapted to your current status or situation.  Never allow the unknown baffle you but, challenge it’s validly and accuracy for why. The pattern of your life may have relapsed from habitual practices of copying what you have seen, heard, or have acknowledged. All conforming negative thoughts of what you have conceive and perceive your life to be is mental bondage and has no authority over your future.

In the movie Transformers, the Transformers true identity was concealed, except under extreme pressure or when they were called for duty to defeat their opposition. Contrary to what your life’s exterior presentation displays you to have the ability to transform your life. Be not…perplexed, confused, nor weary. Your best days are now. Empower yourself and transform your life and live the totally free and abundant life that God has prescribed for you!!!