Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Just change your mind

by: John Wayne Owens

Where is your focus? Does your mind wonder off into the abyss and ask these questions; why, where and when as it relates to the future? Many people have also settled here to find reasons to complain and not apply healthier mature decision. Your mind is the conduit that receives all information both spiritual and practical. The two pipelines of your mind funnel thoughts and decision expressing your actions both desired and disappointed. 

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:” Proverbs 23:7 (KJV)

It’s all up to you now…are ready to change your way of thinking? Your mind has all the capabilities to manifest beyond supernatural condition. Your journey begins with you yielding and trusting in God. The proof of your existence is in you and world is knolling to receive your divine purpose.  The mind that God has anointed and appointed you has been certified and classified to exceed…image, above whatever you can believe by faith.  You are here; whether you want to be or not doesn’t really matter. The grace of God is allowing you this opportunity to renew your mind and transform your life.  

Reinforcement Keys
Open your mind to the word of God: Romans 12:1-2 - II Corinthians 5:17.
Create a daily appointment with God; for prayer and meditation.
Pray with the mind to hear clear direction and trust God.
Fasting is your personal time of intimacy and discipline to hear from God.
All distractions must be blocked and/or out of your pathway toward destiny. 

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